I am delighted that my work is attracting more and more attention:
German TV channel “Deutsche Welle” is broadcasting worldwide, so this mini-documentary by Tessa Walter is watched in seven laguages. Here’s the English version:
Annika Röhrs made a film with me and my wonderful patient Anja Supper for NDR: What remains of me? Dying people tell their life stories
Karen Amme wrote about me and palligraphy in the Hamburg medical journal: https://www.aerztekammer-hamburg.org/funktionen/aebonline/haeb_06_2024/index.html#32
Beate Strobel interviewed me for a dossier in Freundin 24/2023 on a new way of dealing with death and grief:

Here is the press release for my book ‘Letzte Gefühle – über das Sterben, Trauern und die Liebe, die bleibt’ which was published by Beltz Verlag on 13 September 2023:
I spoke to Julia Schmidt-Jorzig for the Brigitte podcast ‘Meno an mich’: https://www.brigitte.de/leben/meno-an-mich-sollte-man-das-leben-vom-ende-her-denken-lebensgeschichten-sterbender-13574618.html
Michael Hollenbach introduced me and my work as a story nurse on Deutschlandfunk Kultur:
I spoke to Beyza Arslan-Tenha about the ‘case of my life’ for the professional column in the Süddeutsche Zeitung magazine:
Johanna Jürgens interviewed me for the format ‘Die Augenzeugin’ in SPIEGEL: Article
Source: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/geschichtenpflegerin-zu-viel-hoffnung-stoert-beim-sterben-a-aeb3e11d-c001-4f40-a71d-f24903ae3531-amp
The Hamburger Abendblatt wrote a great article in June 2021:
I was a guest on the podcast ‘Zurück zum Thema’ by detektor.fm and talked to Lara-Lena Gödde about my work:
Many thanks also to the Evangelical Presse Service for this wonderful text:
I was allowed to write about my work for the Albertinen Foundation’s donor magazine:
Donor magazine 1-2022_Palliativ begleiten
The health magazine of the Asklepios clinics also published an article worth reading in September 2021: